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 首页 » 个人文集 »  ceo/cfo(992)

     限制级。慎入!欲练次功,必先自宫!How to seduce (10365 byte) 2008-05-28 0:24 (1694 reads)
     前一阵子也在忙“救灾“ 没法飞四川, (2133 byte) 2008-05-25 21:09 (1204 reads)
     国际性的钱权交易!! (724 byte) 2008-05-25 20:05 (1411 reads)
     No comment, 嘻嘻。 (0 byte) 2008-04-29 3:26 (695 reads)
     浅谈投资,两周以来美国股市正在经历一个小的Rally. 花旗的股价已 (0 byte) 2008-04-29 3:13 (2990 reads)
     当吃饭吃成搭伙时,嘻嘻。 ZT (610 byte) 2008-04-26 22:06 (1041 reads)
     我们的钱又被人忽悠了。 ZT (2024 byte) 2008-04-26 21:59 (871 reads)
     It it time to buy what? (0 byte) 2008-04-25 22:18 (1295 reads)
     New Challenges for Foreign Producers: China Manufacturing (13775 byte) 2008-04-25 6:27 (1560 reads)
     "Bear Raid" stock manipulation (8145 byte) 2008-04-25 6:24 (812 reads)
     China fund has to make $300 million each day in return. (2991 byte) 2008-04-24 19:40 (1134 reads)
     del (0 byte) 2008-04-24 7:58 (910 reads)
     前几天有几位大侠建议比赛投资。For the heck of it, 我今天买了 (146 byte) 2008-04-23 4:13 (1750 reads)
     国际 (0 byte) 2008-04-19 1:54 (885 reads)
     经济是基础啊,还是谈谈它吧 James Rogers about China (10827 byte) 2008-04-12 22:26 (1214 reads)
     这是真的吗? (0 byte) 2008-04-12 5:32 (861 reads)
     GE stock was down 12% at the opening. Time to buy?股市心得 (174 byte) 2008-04-11 21:56 (1439 reads)
     谈点儿别的。Why Beautiful Women Marry Less Attractive Men ZT (4047 byte) 2008-04-11 2:51 (1457 reads)
     向老狼学习,以后也谈谈如烟的往事。现自宫了。 (0 byte) 2008-04-09 9:55 (1665 reads)
     我假如是老户,我就会对农民再好一些,对当官的 (56 byte) 2008-04-09 8:44 (872 reads)
     Good news, China to allow investment into U.S. stocks, funds (2570 byte) 2008-04-08 11:54 (1607 reads)
     正反两方面的意见都要听,before you make your buy decision. (2714 byte) 2008-04-07 20:53 (810 reads)
     梅蘭芳打老婆。 切。哪天他演杀妻犯咋办涅?? (1374 byte) 2008-04-05 2:22 (1093 reads)
     幽默評語 妙趣橫生。 秀才.不会是您吧?嘻嘻 (816 byte) 2008-04-05 2:09 (1190 reads)
     陸小曼魂歸何處?ZT (1137 byte) 2008-04-05 2:03 (1668 reads)
     真的好感动。 (1092 byte) 2008-04-05 1:45 (759 reads)
     实际上目前的祸根是在dotcom bust 后由格老下的种 with easy money (12839 byte) 2008-04-04 1:55 (1439 reads)
     If you check out this link, you have my partial reply, 卧草先生。 (83 byte) 2008-04-03 4:35 (1424 reads)
     读酷妹的“再等,就该老了!”有感。抓紧时机。这时机太重要了! (647 byte) 2008-04-03 2:26 (1933 reads)
     玫瑰别墅一角. 早生100年,要做孙公子。去年到南京中山陵7号, (4450 byte) 2008-04-02 4:47 (1351 reads)
     非风情贴,请慎入。男孩子就喜欢打仗的。 (10417 byte) 2008-04-01 23:57 (2271 reads)
     一直以为记住个凡事三思而行即可。想不到还有这么一说。 (180 byte) 2008-04-01 1:58 (1247 reads)
     貝爾斯登恶梦何时了? (2656 byte) 2008-03-28 23:01 (1154 reads)
     俺一般避谈老家的政治,不过这次我会说, (323 byte) 2008-03-20 10:22 (1687 reads)
     前两天茶馆看一帖, (568 byte) 2008-03-20 9:53 (1509 reads)
     "取之于民,用之于民“ 呵呵。 ZT (7367 byte) 2008-03-20 5:45 (725 reads)
     What do we do now with BSC stocks? to buy or not to buy? (5935 byte) 2008-03-20 3:30 (1004 reads)
     Last night the federal reserves cut the rate .25%; tomorrow (578 byte) 2008-03-18 4:59 (1453 reads)
     虽说不是BSC股东,2块钱的卖价还是使得我目瞪口呆!两手冰凉。 (3740 byte) 2008-03-18 2:33 (1743 reads)
     JP Morgan Chase has purchased Bear Stearns @ $2 per (1361 byte) 2008-03-17 8:50 (1590 reads)
     I am soooo glad my son didn't go to work for Bear (1062 byte) 2008-03-16 22:39 (1194 reads)
     为老板正名。其实多数老板肯定是一颗“红心“, (177 byte) 2008-03-13 5:02 (1391 reads)
     Mr. Spitzer's expensive hobby costed him $80k plus his job. (177 byte) 2008-03-13 3:54 (1241 reads)
     近期在美买房须知。芝加哥市区的还是不便宜。 (7916 byte) 2008-03-11 8:38 (1971 reads)
     又一个大头管不住小头的。每小时$5,500 美刀?呵呵。太贵了! (3528 byte) 2008-03-11 3:59 (1774 reads)
     人民幣加速升值恐將無望 (3703 byte) 2008-03-08 17:06 (1384 reads)
     提上来,容姐 (194 byte) 2008-03-06 8:53 (1252 reads)
     作为一个投资者,我太高估那些所谓的花旗专家了。 (2197 byte) 2008-03-03 7:41 (1335 reads)
     中国作家与“五七干校”----陈 虹ZT (10606 byte) 2008-02-24 16:42 (1128 reads)
     I couldn't believe this! another way to waste the public (1536 byte) 2008-02-23 6:56 (1010 reads)
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