



  “小资”,也就是“小布尔乔亚”(The Petty Bourgeoisie)的意思。这是一个五·四那会儿就舶来中国的洋词。当年林道静就是摆脱了自己身上的“小资”毛病走上了无产阶级(The Proletariat)革命的康壮大道的。

  毛主席早在1925年12月1日发表的《中国社会各阶级的分析》里,最权威地把“小资”定义为“小知识阶层——学生界、中小学教员、小员司、小事务员、小律师、小商人等”,其实说的也就是今天的“小白领”。这些人都属于中国社会里的小资产阶级。所以后来在毛泽东时代“小资”成了对于知识分子精神状态的批判性称谓。但毛主席没告诉你,马克思恩格斯在更早的1848年就说了:“在现代化文明完全发展的国家里,一个新兴的小资产阶级已经形成了(In countries where modern civilization has become fully developed, a new class of petty bourgeois has been formed)”(《共产党宣言》)。所以小资是现代化文明的产物。

  今天中国社会进入了“后工业社会”的时代,或是称为消费社会、媒介社会、信息社会、电子社会、网络社会、数字化社会等,不管叫什么,反正现代化文明高度发达了,所以“小资”这词自然也比以前更火了。现在的“小资”和上个世纪的林道静那会儿的“小资”已经没任何关系了。现在是“后工业社会”,“小资”这个词便有了更多的新意,而且特中国,特“后工业化”。以至我也不知道原来法文The Petty Bourgeoisie这个词还能否准确完整地概况当今新一代小资们的情调了?

  今天中国的“小资”有点象美国的“雅皮”(Yuppie, Young Urban Professionals),“雅皮”在美国属于中产阶级。在美国好像几乎没有人用“小资”这个词,上次我和美国人讲“The Petty Bourgeoisie”,美国人看了我半天,问我什么意思,是不是要讲Marxist(马克思主义)?中国的“小资”也不完全是美国的“雅皮”的意思,毕竟中国和美国的国情不同吗。中国“小资”有着五千年的文化积累,所以韵味来得更加深沉更加纯正一点。





  “中产”这个词当然是指“中产阶级”(Middle Class)了。这个词是从二战之后在美国开始兴旺发达起来的。中产阶级是美国社会的中间力量,占据了美国人口的百分之六、七十,他们比穷人富,比富人穷(这不废话吗?)。基本上他们就是实现“美国梦”的象征。在美国一个典型的中产阶级一般有“一个房子、两辆车、三个孩子、四万收入、五天工作。。。”

  这是美国最最一般人的生活,其实在美国只要是个“白领”(也就是中国的“小资”)一般就可以达到这种生活标准(也就是说中国的“小资”实际上相当美国的“中产”,严格说应该把中国的“小资”称作“Middle Class”)。


  在任何社会里最最富有的那2%的人群都不应该被称作“中产阶级”啊!这是“the Richest Class”(富有阶级),至少也应该是“上中产阶级”(Upper Middle Class)。所以“中产”这个词在中国是被严重误用的。这是因为中国还是一个发展中国家,用发达国家的绝对标准来衡量,中国的所有社会阶层都要降低一个等级。于是乎中国的中产阶级被叫成了“小资”,中国的“富有阶级”被叫成了“中产”。

  在中国,如果说“小资”这个词略带贬义,“中产”这个词几乎就是骂人。为什么?第一当然是因为从毛主席他老人家那里学来的“粪土当年万户侯”式的Reverse snobbery(反向势利眼),这个东西再加上中国文化里特有的“均平富”和“为富不仁”的思想,使得这个词变得特别难听;第二,本来人家已经处于社会的顶层了,却叫人家“中产”,明显带有降低人家身份的意图,人家当然不高兴了。

  美国的处于社会顶层的“the Richest Class”又分为“Old Money”和“New Money”。Old Money是指继承来的,天生就是在富裕环境中长大的。New Money也就是自己发财致富的。Old Money有点象“贵族(Noble)”,但是实际上美国没有严格意义上的贵族。贵族是世袭的,一般来讲是必须有爵位的。所以除了欧洲一些君主立宪的国家,还有亚洲的日本以外,大部分国家都早已没有“贵族”这种动物了。

  中国经过了“打土豪分天地”和“公私合营的社会主义改造”,没有了Old Money。最后的贵族也随着满情的倒台全都烟飞灰灭了。所以从哪个方面讲中国都没有“贵族”这种动物了。但是不知道为什么?网络上却总有人喜欢蹦出来冒充自己是贵族。最最著名的就是那个和易烨卿论战的周公子(还好,他没吹牛他是周什么王的后代),大言不惭地告诉易小姐:我们贵族都是开白色雪佛兰的(周公子原文:“我们开雪佛兰,白色的”)。





The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition Edited:

middle class

A social and economic class composed of those more prosperous than the poor, or lower class, and less wealthy than the upper class. Middle class is sometimes loosely used to refer to the bourgeoisie. In the United States and other industrial countries, the term is often applied to white-collar, as opposed to blue-collar, workers.

Values commonly associated with the middle class include a desire for social respectability and material wealth and an emphasis on the family and education.


Fussell’’s model classifies Americans according to the following classes:

  1. Top out-of-sight: the super-rich, heirs to huge fortunes
  2. Upper Class: rich celebrities and people who can afford full-time domestic staff
  3. Upper-Middle Class: self-made well-educated professionals
  4. Middle Class: office workers
  5. High Prole: skilled blue-collar workers
  6. Mid Prole: workers in factories and the service industry
  7. Low Prole: manual laborers
  8. Destitute: the homeless
  9. Bottom out-of-sight: those incarcerated in prisons and institutions


Warnerian social class model

An example of a stratum class model was developed by the sociologist William Lloyd Warner in his 1949 book, Social Class in America. For many decades, the Warnerian theory was dominant in U.S. sociological theory.

Based on social anthropology, Warner divided American into three classes (upper, middle, and lower), then further subdivided each of these into an "upper" and "lower" segment, with the following postulates:

  1. Upper-upper class. "Old money." People who have been born into and raised with wealth.
  2. Lower-upper class. "New money." Individuals who have become rich within their own lifetimes.
  3. Upper-middle class. High-salaried professionals (i.e., doctors, lawyers, corporate executives).
  4. Lower-middle class. Lower-paid professionals, but not manual laborers (i.e., police officers, non-management office workers, small business owners).
  5. Upper-lower class. Blue-collar workers and manual laborers. Also known as the "working class."
  6. Lower-lower class. The homeless and permanently unemployed, as well as the "working poor."

To Warner, American social class was based more on attitudes than on the actual amount of money an individual made. For example, the richest people in America would belong to the "lower-upper class" since many of them created their own fortunes; one can only be born into the highest class. Nonetheless, members of the upper-upper class tend to be more respected, as a simple survey of U.S. presidents may demonstrate (i.e., the Roosevelts; John Kennedy; the Bushs)

Another observation: members of the upper-lower class might make more money than members of the lower-middle class (i.e., a well-salaried factory worker vs. a secretarial worker), but the class difference is based on the type of work they perform.

In his research, findings, Warner observed that American social class was largely based on these shared attitudes. For example, he noted that the lower-middle class tended to be the most conservative group of all, since very little separated them from the working class. The upper-middle class, while a relatively small section of the population, usually "set the standard" for proper American behavior, as reflected in the mass media.


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